So many times it is hard to understand why things happen... and it is funny how when it is a good thing - we never question, "why did this happen to me?" We just open our arms and accept whatever good gift we have been given. But when something happens that we don't like, or didn't want to happen... it is so hard to just open our arms and accept it without questioning "why did this happen!"

One of the families on the MTW team in La Ceiba, the Guzmans, has to leave the field a year earlier than they had origionally planned. I am very sad they will be leaving just after Christmas, especially because Melissa has become one of my most trusted confidants here. Their family is a vital part of our team, and it is hard to imagine being here without them. Times like this make us question "why" - and search for answers to give our hearts some sort of solace.
I can think of all sorts of sayings - such as "hindsight is 20/20" - that speak about how we can see the good or the purpose for something AFTER it happens. However, I am reminded of St. Augustine's wise words - that while I don't know why something is happening.. I have to TRUST in the One who does know - and trust that He will reveal His greater purpose in His timing. Yes, it is always easier to see and accept things after they have happened - it is so easy to look back in our lives and make sense of the direction we have taken.. but we don't live in the past. We live now. So take a hold of St. Augustine's words... set your sights on Jesus - believe in Him just as a child so believes. In your belief, you will find so much more than answers, you will also experiece a peace that transcends all understanding.
on a lighter note...

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