Now that I'm back in Honduras, I my heart pulled toward my loved ones in the US.

As God is continually teaching me that I have "family" all over the world in the body of Christ, I am also learning that my home is in Christ, and the best place I can be is in the center of His will. All over the world there are places and ways to serve the Lord - and to live and enjoy life... and while I have ties to specific places in the USA, and now in Honduras, my strongest tie is to the Lord, Jesus Christ.
I LOVE La Ceiba, and just a few weeks ago, I couldn't imagine ever leaving here - but the Lord is teaching me that I am an "extranjero" here - that this world is not my home - and my purpose for wherever I am at is to bring Heaven to Earth.
While I will always have a special place in my heart for Honduras - I have resolved in my heart that, if the Lord decides to call me to another place (like Africa.. China.. or even back to the USA), I will go.
It is so easy for me to get caught up in doing good things - and find myself so busy that I neglect my relationship with Christ... I don't take the time to be still, to listen, and to really lay my heart before the Lord. I didn't realize before that by seeing the need here and having such a passion for ministry here (which isn't a bad thing at all!) - that I was ready to make my own plans to stay and continuing "working for the Lord" - without trusting Him for each day. The time I spend here in Ceiba is not about me - or about the work that I can do... yet I have been focusing on MY life here in Ceiba more than on the throne of God. As I live with the realization that this world is not my home - and that I am an ambassador for the Lord - I know my eyes need to remain upon the Lord.
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth... but in heaven... for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" ( Matt. 6:19-21). My treasures are my relationships - which is also where my heart lies. And the MOST important and satisfying relationship we can ever have is with Jesus Christ - who will never let us down. Seek Him - for He is faithful to keep His promises to us! And when you find Him, you will know that you are truly HOME.
1 comment:
amen, girl! preach it. ;)
glad to know you made it "home" to honduras safely. blessings. looking forward to reading the updates!
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