The Lord has blessed me abundantly this holiday season - and I am so thankful that I am able to be home for Christmas!

Some things that are different for me now that I'm back in the States:
* its okay to drink from the faucet * I don't need to dip my clean dishes in bleach water * its okay to throw toilet paper in the toilet without worrying.. * I can drink a tall glass of milk that isn't straight from the cow! * I don't need to use a taxi to get around * what I have to use a seat belt in the car? * I pay for things in dollars instead of Lempiras * I can leave food out for a few minutes and not worry about ants * and of course.... English is the preferred language (this whole day I have been talking in Spanish to people who don't expect it.. but I can't help it, it is just what comes out first!)
Well... I wish you all a very merry Christmas. Remember that we have much to be thankful for this holiday season, especially that the Lord sent His Son to the earth to live perfectly and die to cover all our transgressions. Praise the Lord that He has defeated death and sits at the right hand of the throne of the Most High!

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