We are back in Ceiba now - and I am preparing to head to Virginia on Saturday. It is hard to believe that I was originoally going to be home for good on April 1st. I am grateful for all the support I recieved to be able to stay until the end of the school year at Brassavola - and am definitely looking forward to coming back here on the 10th!
OH! Please pray for my visa situation, I was only given a 30 day visa last December and I need to go get it all straightened out before I try to leave. This usually means spending all morning in the immigration office and then in lines at the bank - and it is a ridiculous and LONG process that can be very annoying and discouraging... so pray that it goes smoothly and for some reason they won't make me pay the $80 to be able to leave! :)
i am praying. you've been on my mind lately... so i will pray with these specifics in mind.
i'm so glad your mom got to see you in your latest surroundings! i wish my mommie could see me! :)
love you chikin!
thanks for praying! Today, in the process of 1.5 hours and a trip downtown to the immigration office and then to the airport, I was told that I had to pay $60 to leave the country, and then that I would have to pay over $100!... I was thinking, "I am toast!" - but SOMEHOW I got off with only a lecture and a smile from the man who finally helped me.. and then had a celebration baleada (typical honduran food) afterwards!
ok so I lied. well I didn't, I thought it would work out with my visa.. but it didn't.. and I ended up having to pay a lot more than I expected.
lesson learned: be honest and follow the rules.
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