Let me recap and give you a look into the next couple weeks for me: Jarrod came at the beginning of the month, and before he left, we ushered a short-term missionary team from Florida. Another team came in today to meet up and join the team we have here currently and will also be working in Armenia Bonito (at the orphanage, Ninos de la Luz, doing construction work and in the village holding and after-school program for the kids). Before both teams leave, my mother arrives for her week visit, and part of that time we will be working in Roatan in La Clinica Esperanza. Then I am heading home for 10 days and will be back just in time for "Semana Santa" with my brother, Caleb, in tow. AND - when Caleb leaves, I find myself with 4 weeks left in Honduras.
I can't believe I have already been here for 6 months!
Here are some fun pictures from hanging out with the

This is an example of the prevalent dichotomy between trying to be a child while having adult responsibilities. This little girl came to do crafts with her friends, but also was in charge of taking care of her young siblings. She was a perfect mother, comforting her little sister when she cried, playing with her, or riding around on her bike with her. We all watched in fascination as a little girl of 8 years mothered this little child, and again realized that this is part of the reason why the girls are having babies of their own at 12.

This week coming up, I am looking forward to continuing my Bible classes at Brassavola in the morning and then spending some of the afternoons out in Armenia Bonito with the boys at the orphanage and the other children in the village - lifting up Jesus' name to them and showering them in unconditional love.
"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
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