This week has been crazy busy as we hosted a medical short term team out of Georgia. We worked in Armenia Bonita, a barria out by the airport in La Ceiba.

Heydi and I were in charge of registration... I think we took the names and complaints of somewhere around 650 people, and the three doctors ended up seeing 520 total in 3.5 days (plus the few that came back as repeats). Some came to be registered for the doctor as "something to do" (especially the kids!) but got tired of waiting so they would go home. Others came back more than once to see how much candy, vitamins, and other meds they could get... so we had to be careful not to send people in more than once for the same problem.

The doctors didn't know much Spanish, so each of them had translators with them. For me, it was espeically helpful working with Heydi because she would take their names (SO hard to understand! but I got better as the week went on) and then I would record their age and complaints for the doctors. I think I was most surprised by how the Hondurans put on their very best clothes and fixed their hair to come see the American doctors.

I made friends with these two girls, Karen and Silvia.. I am not exactly sure what I did other than smile and talk to them a little bit - but on our last day there, they brought me those flowers sprayed with perfume and a note that told me their names and phone numbers. I was really touched... and reminded that - I, being an "extranjera", am watched ALL the time, and the smallest thing makes a difference to others. Don't be afraid to smile at someone you come across in the street or show a little bit of kindness - as it could make all the difference in the world in their life!
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