...how easy it is to get caught up in our anger, in jealousy, in gossip, in shame... and out of these things come actions that very often we end up regretting and needing to apologize for... how easy it is to participate in the "fruitless deeds of darkness" without even realizing it. Perhaps that is why Paul writes SO often to to be very careful with how we live. He URGES the Ephesians, as well as many others, to put off our old self and to live the life God intends for us... in the light, instead of the darkenss.. and to be unified. That is why we NEED to meditate on the scripture, speak encouragement to one another, and being thankful to the Lord.. it isn't just because those are good things to do.. but that is the only way we won't allow the devil to get a foothold on us... to tear us apart... to tear us down.
I have been learning that no one is perfect (not even missionaries) :o but praise the Lord we know Who is perfect.. and that is who we constantly try to imitate. Whether you mess up, or someone has messed up and it has affected you... it is never to late to turn to the Lord and tell Him what is going on. Life is so so much better in the light.

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