I have been able to jump in and get involved with a lot - but it hasn't been all work. I have spent time talking with other volunteers, playing games (especially when the power goes out!), getting "pimped" (quizzed) by other healthcare workers :) , visiting friends, playing on the beach...
...and -of course- MISSING Jarrod!
I continue to see the vast needs here - and sometimes it can be so overwhelming - but I know that even the small amount that I can help and offer myself for the short time I am here - it may make a difference for some individual lives... and definitely makes a difference in mine!

I continue to see the vast needs here - and sometimes it can be so overwhelming - but I know that even the small amount that I can help and offer myself for the short time I am here - it may make a difference for some individual lives... and definitely makes a difference in mine!

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