Monday, April 10, 2006

back "home"

What a whirl-wind trip to the US - and I am left sitting here in my little apartment in disbelief that it is already over. It felt like a sprint - and I'm left now to recover from trying (unsuccessfully) to fit in everything I wanted to do while I was in Virginia. BUT I must say that it was a very rich time - especially in spending time with people I care about.
LOTS OF BABIES! I was incredibly glad that my sisters were visiting our dad's house with my niece, Victoria, and my nephew, Stephen.

I was also fortunate enough to get my hands on several friends' babies while I was home. :) SO CUTE.

Shenandoah County craziness... apparently the sucker fish are running up stream and get caught at the dam in our back yard - which creates the opportunity for an amusing pastime.. catching the fish and throwing them up the river. ;) I watched.

I did NOT expect it to be SO COLD - I mean, come on - it is April! But I think that this spring weather is more fickle than women.. one day it was beautiful with highs around 80*F and the next a bone-chilling high of 55*F with wind and rain. (note the hoodie in the above picture. yes, I was shivering.)
Now I am back in the very humid 90+ weather of Northern Honduras... and I'm lovin' it. Well, I love it more around 6pm when it cools off enough to take a nice walk without sweating too much.
good times.

I can't believe I only have 6 weeks left... I definitely want to seize every moment and make the most of every opportunity - knowing that time is short.

This week is Semana Santa - or Holy Week - which is the most important holiday of the year. Everyone takes off work and spends the days playing in the rivers and the oceans, cooking food outside, and enjoying each others' company. This is also a special week for me because my younger brother, Caleb, is visiting Honduras. I pray that the Lord is lifted up this week as we remember what He did for us on the cross by paying the price for our sins, and how He defeated death by raising from the dead to sit at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Praise God for His love and His grace He has poured out upon us.

ps. I no longer have a phone number here - but you can always email me :) and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
oh, and apparently it is hurricane season again? We have a tropical storm coming our way...

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