so it seems as though my schedule continues to get more and more full - which means a lot of things.. 1st, I don't have as much time to spend "hanging out" and have to be more intentional about building relationships and spending time with people... 2nd, I have more of an excuse to come home an "crash" on the couch from exhaustion... and 3rd, i have less room for laziness in my life. no worries though, I am not having difficulty saying "no" to all the opportunities that come my way (such as becoming a substitute teacher!), as I have learned that to be a very important word here - otherwise I would be WAY overcommitted with everything I am asked to do... BUT - I have carefully selected some things to add to my weekly routine.
I know you are now in great suspense -
"what is Stephanie doing with her time these days!?"

**I am continuing to
teach Bible classes at Brassavola Bilingual School - which has proven to be a JOY in my life (who knew?). The kids are so full of LOVE and enjoy having a teacher who wants to play with them and takes interest in their own lives. The kids in this picture are the ones who have dedicated themselves to "teaching" me Spanish. :) (the kids are supposed to think that I can't speak Spanish so that they have to speak to me in English).

**I also
tutor for a small group of 1st graders. Andrea, Elvert (in the picture), Paul, and Aldo each have such different personalities - and it is fun to see them come out as I try to teach them the sounds to the alphabet!
**I am working with a Honduran
nurse in her clinic in El Pino on some fridays - which proves to be both educational and exciting.
MTW work - we have business meetings every monday afternoon and are completing surveys for community development work in Armenia Bonita, a poor village by the La Ceiba airport, assisting with the medical mission team coming the middle of February and construction teams in March, and helping to lead worship for our monthly team worship.
Recreation-ish stuff: I am involved with a Beth Moore Bible study that meets every Wednesday to have a time of discussion, watch the movie, and pray together with other missionaries. We have a monday night tradition of dinner and cards with young adults... and I attend our church's "culta de jovenes" for the youth on most Saturday nights. (and of course church every Sunday..)
So I am involved with all of these things, in addition to the never-ending battle against bugs, leaks, lack of electricity or water, worms in my...?, continuous filth in our apartment... oh, the joys of daily living.
The most important thing I am doing - the common bond between all of these things - is
building relationships... well, maybe not with the bugs! ;)

What a joy it is for me when I see fruit out of showing kindness or care to someone.. the way their face lights up.. the way I am trusted.. or at least building trust. I love having conversations with the single teachers about what matters in a dating relationship and marriage (ha, they all want to know why I'm still single!). I love going to a more personal level with people - talking about the heart.. sharing Christ.. telling them to trust God.. revealing our sin nature.. what a blessing it is to me to be able to enter into some incredible conversations and show Christ's love.. the opportunities never fail to arise when I'm least expecting it.
You know, I think that this week I have been more busy as I am getting used to my new schedule - but felt the BEST that I have felt -since before Christmas. Why is that? Instead of getting caught up in how much I am doing, and just being exhausted afterwards... I have been very intentional about exercising, spending time being silent and still, and digging deep into the Word of God. It seems like we can be soo busy with our obligations that we don't take time for the things that make life better.
Take that time.. make it a priority. we find our life is in those little things.
sounds like you're busy as usual, chikin... nothing i haven't seen in you before. :) just the location has changed. :))))) hope all is well with you.
life here is keeping me on my knees in many ways. it's good for me, and God's getting bigger in my life every day. i love you!
Hi Stephanie,
I am living in Texas right now with my husband and a baby on the way. We are most likely going to move down to La Ceiba this coming January and I'm trying to make some contacts down there who can give me some first hand information about how to be safe, the best places to live, etc. I found your sight and thought you'd be a great one to ask. We would also be looking for a church so I'm interested in the one you are attending and the groups you mention that you go to. It would help so much if you could give me any information you have. Please contact me at Thanks a lot and I will be praying for you and your ministry down there!
Stacie Leonardo
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