Monday, May 29, 2006
missing Ceiba
It is easy for me to get caught up in life here -in consumerism, in the fast pace- and forget what I learned about the world.. that it is so much bigger than the United States. It is easy to forget that there are people out there, and within our own country, that are intelligent and gifted but don't have the resources or access to prosper. It is easy to forget how lucky I am to have all that I do, clean water, clothes, safety, a car, a family that loves me... it is easy to forget how the Lord was faithful to me as I followed Him to a foreign land - do I think He will not continue to be the Same Lord here?
It has been an interesting "readjustment" time for me - as I hit the ground running. I immediately began taking summer classes and working... and only very slowly have I had time to process my past 8 months in Honduras. I have been hit hard with "culture shock" as I travel around Virginia. I do love being back, to be with my family and be a part of my loved-ones lives here. I cherish this time that the Lord has given me to be with them, knowing that He could call me to go somewhere else - and if/when He does - I will go. No matter what, no matter where.
It is the Jonah principle. If I don't obey God, I might end up in the belly of a whale! Who wants that?! ;)
I am contemplating when exactly to stop writing blogs, as this was titled La Ceiba - and purposed to chronical my experiences and adventures there. I will let you know when I write my last post! I promise. I still want to write at least one more reflection - perhaps more for my benefit than for your amusement!
:) So I am back in the States! and I have a cell phone again. SO You should stop reading this and call me!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Saying Goodbye...

I had my last "typica comida Hondurena" dinner with Cesia, Tamy, and Paola (and brought Mary along because we were attatched at the hip for the past three weeks...) We had a great time laughting and talking... They all have such a heart to serve the Lord!
I was able to spend time with my family, the Madrids, in Armenia Bonito the day before I left. Mary and I had always teased about putting our names on the wall because the youngest, Jeisy, had written her name all over the house... so on my last trip out there - we painted our names :) I think it turned out rather nice, don't you? ;) It was cute to see the kids copying us.. while their parents looked on approvingly - happy about the "memoria" that they will have of me while I'm away. We played jump rope and my family gave me home-made maracas :) made by Vidal (the father) and painted by Angela and Jessica... I will cherish them forever - along with all the beautiful memories we've made together!
My goodbyes were full of "see you soon"and "keep in touch" instead of tearful.
Honduras has a special place in my heart - for the people I know and love, for the beauty of the country, for the work the Lord has done in my life and the lives of those around me...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
beautiful Roatan

Saturday, May 20, 2006
El Gran Carnaval de La Ceiba 2006
About an hour before the parade started - we decided to walk down the street, Ave. San Isidro, to see all the stands of food and gifts - and a TON of Mardi Gras beads being sold and tossed everywhere! The man in the picture below decided to get in our picture with us.. it was random - but everyone was in such good spirits on the street!
here are some more fun pictures from the parade: Here is the Mayor, Dr. Simon, and Ms. Honduras - kicking off the parade - the mayor said "Hola" to me as he walked by. don't I feel special. ;)
and then later the President of Honduras, Mel something, came by on horse back and waved at us.. yes, that is the president..
can you find me in this picture? (look on the right side...) And yes, those pin wheels are cleverly stuck into a head of cabbage for such an exciting display...
There were a TON of horses prancing around and doing all sorts of crazy tricks..
there were so many fun floats and bands.. I could have done without the half-naked women and men dancing... but overall it was really fun and I'm glad I went! I have NEVER seen that many people on the streets and I can only imagine what the party is like tonight...
believe it or not, watching the parade in the hot sun was exhausting even though we were just standing there.. I am definitely ready for some rest tonight before I go to Roatan tomorrow and then return to say my goodbyes..
Monday, May 15, 2006
the sprint
so much to do, in so little time... that doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now. Waves of saddness hit me throughout the days as I am coming nearer and nearer to my departure from Honduras. I am really trying to take each moment captive - and i think that by the end of the month I will be ready to sleep for a couple days!
I've been so busy these past several days - and am looking to continue to spend each day I have left here with my friends in Armenia Bonito, from my church, teachers from the Spanish school and from Brassavola, with my students, with other missionaries here... soaking up as much as I can and giving all that I have in these last 10 days. (and perhaps seeing what all the hoopla is about the Carnaval this coming Saturaday)

we would have liked to stay for more than 24 hours, but we had to get back to Ceiba because we promised that we would spend the night in Armenia Bonito with my family. This was an adventure, for sure! We went played with the kids in the afternoon - jumping rope, playing volleyball... then we went to a "culto" - or a revival-type service - and finally went back home to continue our slumber-party. Walking into their house I was only surprised by a few animals - but seeing the spiders and rats made me a little nervious about what else could be crawling around... We ate some more food and danced around a little bit before we went to bed - with the girls sleeping in the parents' bedroom and the guys sleeping in the kids bedroom. I ended up sleeping with Jessica and Jeisy on a little twin mattress on the floor, while Mary and Angela (the mom) slept on the double bed in the room. We slept in a little room with a wood shutter covering any windows and I had two little girls snuggling up on me... I have never been so hot in my life! But it was a special time to share with their family - and I am so glad that we were able to be a part of their worship service and see their life at times when I normally wouldn't.
this was the friend I found when walking into the kitchen... the other one apparently ran off...
Angela is sewing the family's clothes for the culto..
here we are sitting on the bench before the service began...
The next morning, Mother's day, Mary and I left Armenia Bonito by 9ish to come back to Ceiba.. and I have to say I have NEVER been on a bus that full. We were grateful to be some of the first ones on - because we were able to get a seat on the bus near the front.. todo el mundo wanted to go to Ceiba for church or shopping or something - and I remember watching 10 more people try to fit on the bus that already had people hanging out the door. CRAZY. We finally made it into town in time to buy a flower for our host moms here in Ceiba - then parted ways.. I made it to the Noonan's house in time to try to call my moms and take a shower (where I scrubbed and scrubbed...) and then turned around, got back out on the bus and headed to another village, Colonia Confite. There, my friend Diana had invited me out to spend the afternoon and evening with her - as her church had a special service for the Mothers. I really enjoyed meeting her family and seeing where she lived - as we normally just hang out together in Ceiba... I hope to make it back out to her house before I leave... Diana's friendship has meant so much to me - as we have been about to really spur one another on in our walk with Christ.
Today I spent the day with Dania, the 16 year old daughter of Angela from Armenia Bonito. We went shopping to buy a comal (so I can make really good homemade tortillas) and a little Bible for her, took professional pictures (SO CHEAP here, and a little cheesey with school picture backdrops from the early 90s), made CDs of Spanish praise music on my computer.. and just enjoyed each other. I have loved being able to encourage her and live my life before her as a young Christian woman. (below is a picture of Dania, Mary and me)
I have found that I am STILL frustrated with Spanish - as the more I am around people and have varying conversations the more vocabulary I realize I don't know.. and that is discouraging... Pray that regardless of my frustrations, I will be able to make the most of every opportunity that the Lord brings my way in the time I have remaining in Honduras.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
an eventful week

I love my kids!
I have been working hard with the 2nd graders on their play - which is really looking good! We are getting the costumes together and fine-tuning their acting abilities :) so please keep them in your prayers for this Friday morning!
This past weekend I met another "joven" who had just arrived for her 2 month visit to Honduras. Mary has proven to be an excellent playmate - as we have found out that we are a lot alike... not only in activities that we do in the states (like Young Life, coaching basketball at a private school, taking random trips, playing guitar..) but also in our approach to life here in Ceiba. I have enjoyed "dando vueltas" in Ceiba with her, introducing her to my students and having her help me with the play, AND then today I took her out to Armenia Bonito to meet my family and play with kids out there.
We had a fabulous time with my family - playing jump rope both inside the house and then outside the house (with the neighbor kids - an experience made complete with several little naked honduran boys running around), painting finger and toe nails, coloring, playing frisbee, painting maracas (with fingernail polish - shown below!), taking crazy pictures, and of course making all sorts of crazy sounds in Spanish and in English (for example, the sound that a rooster makes.. it is different the way they say it here than how we say "cock-a-doodle-do"). (PS. Caleb, they were asking about you today - and when you were going to return to visit them... they have the idea that you are going to come sometime in the near future..I don't know where they got that idea from... but I told them that perhaps you would - pero solo si tengas pisto!)
On the way home (we stayed until after 6pm - which is later than I've ever stayed out there before..) we jumped on a bus.. and the guys told us that they weren't going in to El Centro. They were just going to a nearby town.. so needless to say, we talked to them for a while while they drove to the other town, making them laugh a lot and playfully arguing about the cost of such a short trip.. they ended up not charging us anything (perhaps because I gave one of them my sunglasses? - they were breaking, so it wasn't a loss for me..) and we just grabbed a taxi and took it home. I was definitely thankful to have Mary along with me - because I just felt much safer with a companion than I would have if I had been alone. I am looking forward to many more adventures we will have together in the next 2 weeks...
Random things: Emily Noonan and I are attempting to highlight our hair - using lime juice and water.. so if I have any lighter streaks, I'll have to blame it on my "lime lights". Casey Noonan (who is 8 yrs old) and I have been having lots of fun, swimming in the little pool behind their house or having girls nights where we stay up late and "talk" - and she asks me deep questions like "whats something funny that you did when you were like 2 or 3 years old?" Monday night cards has been revived - but I still am not good at Texas hold-em. I also haven't become any more proficient at jacks. OH and a woman called Brassavola that she was cleaning a house and found my wallet.. so perhaps I will meet her there at Brassavola and get it back? pray that she has the other things that where in my purse but of no value to anyone else as well...
that is all for now.
I do love hearing from you - I'm looking forward to reading your emails! :)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
love for a lifetime
I find myself hearing their little voices in my head, smiling about things the kids did during the day, and trying to come up with ways to make my next class creative and interesting.
Today I substituted for one of the 5th grade classes - and it was fun to have older kids to work with for a little while. I couldn't say which I prefer, only that I am grateful for the experiences that I have had here - and that the kids at Brassavola have locked their place in my heart forever.
Here is a note from one of my second graders:
"Dear Ms. Estefani,
I love you. I learn about Jesus.
love, William"
On another note... it has been quite enjoyable living with the Noonan family - although I do miss both Erin and Stephanie very much! I feel like I am in an internet cafe when Jessica and I are both on the computer. :) We will sit here and talk and giggle.. and sometimes IM each other. It is quite amusing.