HOW easy it would be to complain about life here - about the mold that grows everywhere, the guys that grab at you as they pass on their bikes, the constantly humid or rainy weather, the culture that is so different from everything we have ever known..
...and yet the Lord reminds me that when it rains in our lives - when we are tired, depressed, lonely, or sad - that He is ever close. And in those times God continues to call us to be faithful in the little things He has given us.This morning started out like any other morning, waking up to find the rain pouring down, the power still out, and leaks flooding our apartment. I did not want to go anywhere.. and was fed up with cleaning up the water on the floor. I seriously considered playing hook-y from language school - however I grabbed my largest umbrella and set out walking the 7 (mas o menos) blocks to school. Little did I know that we were in a "red alert" - which closes most schools - and the water was flooding the colonias and houses so much that most of the teachers couldn't come to school anyways. Instead of turning around and going home to my nice, warm, dry bed - I continued walking downtown to check up on Paola (and the condition of her house), who was working in her family's tourist kiosk.
I went there with the intention of saying "hi" and asking about her family in attempt to show her that I care about her and her family. However, because of the rain, there wasn't much business, and Paola and I ended up having one of our most meaningful conversations while sitting in the little kiosk. We ended up reading the Bible together

and sharing a devotional from "The Daily Bread" - and that opened the door for a discussion on our spiritual gifts and women's roles in the church.
Not too much later, I enjoyed lunch with Paola, Norman, Erin, y Oscar - and then spent some more time with some other friends, Cesia and Tammy - who also came to the kiosk in the afternoon.

I have loved coming to know my new friends - and I see how they have such a heart to love, know and serve the Lord in their lives... but they have received such shallow teaching of the scripture.
I am so grateful that the Lord has opened doors for me to talk about the Bible and go deeper in my relationships with these girls. I can't believe I would have missed out on my morning with Paola if I had let the rain keep me from venturing out of where I was comfortable. Staying inside today would have been a lot easier - it would have been a lot more comfortable - and I would have less laundry to do. But what an amazing day it ended up being - despite all of the rain.
I am here in La Ceiba to serve the Lord in every aspect of my life - but the only way the Lord is able to use me is for me to be faithful in what He has already brought into my life. When we are faithful to continue pouring into the people and the jobs that the Lord has placed us in, this then allows Him to open more opportunities to join God where He is working.
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 4:10-11I want to encourage you - that no matter where you are, no matter how trivial your task may seem (be it caring for your children, praying for a friend, studying for test, visiting someone who is sick) - be diligent, and work "as unto the Lord" - for God will use you in unexpected ways and reward you for your faithfulness to Him.